K&L Rear Brake Master Cylinder Rebuild Kit Kawasaki 32-8053

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  • Regular price $37.95

Kawasaki K&L Rear Master Cylinder Rebuild Kit 
  • High quality kit is an O.E.M. replacement.
  • Kit contains all the necessary components to completely rebuild the master cylinder.
Fits the following models: Kawasaki
KZ70E 80-82
KZ750H LTD 80-83
KZ750R1 GPZ 82
KZ1000J 81-82
KZ1000K LTD 81-82
KZ1000M CSR 81-82
KZ1000R1 Replica 82
KZ1100A Shaft 81-82
KZ1100B GPz 81
KZ1100D1 Spectra 82